Thursday, April 5, 2012

This thing called Spring Break...

Around here everyone is pretty much in shock because the kids actually got an official Spring Break this year.  Most of the time we have had so many snow days that they are contemplating writing lessons plans for the 4th of July!! Our girls are enjoying the fact that they are getting spend plenty of quality time with their rabbits.

Yes, we have rabbits.  I'm not sure what conniving went on but a friend of ours bid on three rabbits for the girls.  Needless to say they were ecstatic and Aaron was their hero!  I think we are going to have to keep them separated when we go to the sale again or we will be bringing home the goats the girls have been eyeing.  Since everyone's first reaction to having three rabbits was that we would end up with babies, I did some research and low and behold we have two males and a female.  If the pictures to identify them were right and I'm not blind, we will have bunnies in approximately 30 days.

The chicks are growing like weeds.  We have had them for two weeks and it is absolutely amazing to see the changes that they have made and the things that I have learned.  My mom still laughs at the fact that I spent one morning cleaning chick butts.  After adding some grit to their diet I think we have the pasty butts under control.  Their feathers are quickly coming in, right along with their urge to fly.  We had to build lids for their brooders to keep them from flying to the top and sitting on the edge.  It's going to be interesting to see their personalities develop too.  There is already a Speckled Sussex that seems to rule the roost!

We have also been able to start the coop or as my friends on Facebook call it, The Chicken Mansion.  It looks huge ( 12' x 12') but I still think it could be bigger!  Chad's cousin has been a huge help with the actual work as well as teaching us a thing or two or three. We've used rough cut lumber to construct it, mostly hemlock and pine.  We found some windows and a door that we will be able to give new life to.  It's always nice to be able to reuse something rather than buy new.  We were even able to reuse nails to put the flooring in.  It amazes me how Chad can straighten a nail so easily. I will have plenty of pictures to post when we are finished.  Until next time!!

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